A look inside Music at FPD

A look inside Music at FPD

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hop Old Squirrel

We have been busy in 4K learning about our singing voice, the steady beat, and rhythm (the pattern of the words.)  We also have started using some instruments when we sing.  Fall is the perfect time to bring out "Hop Old Squirrel" to help us practice these concepts.  This song is an American folk song.  We practiced singing in different groups--the class on one part, Mrs. Krejci on the other part.  Then, we moved our bodies to the different musical sections.  Finally, we put the movements on instruments and all took turns playing the instrument while the class sang.  Our final product is "Hop Old Squirrel" with movements, tubano drums, egg shakers, and voices.  You will find all these displayed in the video below.  And, if you look closely, you just might spot our puppet friend, Mr. Squirrel, that helped us learn the song!  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wee Vikings

A highlight of my week is visiting the 3K students--The Wee Vikings--in the Kindergarten building.  We are exploring our singing voice and moving our bodies to the music.  These students are full of energy and excited to learn!  One of their favorite songs is called "Jump Jim Joe."  Jim is a feisty fellow who has us moving in all kinds of ways to the music.  

Cover Design Contest Details

Check out the 1st grade and 2nd grade tabs at the top of the page for a cover design contest just for those grade levels!  I've asked 1st and 2nd graders to get their creative juices flowing to come up with a design for the program booklet for our Christmas performance called "Children of Bethlehem."  

Mrs. Krejci

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Music Class News!

Hello, FPD Family!  I wanted to give you a quick update of things to look for on the blog.  First of all, a new addition on the right hand column of the Home page allows you to sign up to follow this blog via email.  Simply enter your email address in the box provided, and you will be emailed when the blog is updated!  

By the end of the week I will have videos up of the 3K class and a 4K class making music.  These little ones are great musicians and are a blast to watch!

Also, soon I will post news regarding the Christmas Program for various grade levels!  Of specific interest to 1st and 2nd graders, there will be a Cover Design Competition for the program handed out.  Watch for those details to be up in the next few days. 

As always, I love teaching your children!  They are a joy to be with during the day. 

Mrs. Krejci